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I missed writing the Friday workout on here so ill start with that.
WOD: 400m run-21- 400 m run -15-400m run- 9:
Push Press right arm (#40)
Overhead Walking Lunges Right arm
Push Press left arm
Overhead Walking Lunges Left arm
That shiz was not very fun at all. Time: 13 :??
TODAYS WOD: Teams of 4
200m med ball run relay
20 rope climbs
100 box jumps
100 sdhp
100 cal row
200m med ball run relay
IT was fun to get some rope climbs in on a WOD. TIME:???
Today was my first day with the new crew. I go in at 1 in the afternoon to workout with the trainers and people training for the Games. It is really cool so far and I like it a lot.
Strength: Max Push Jerk, Max Push Jerk(Behind head), Max Split Jerk.
Didn't feel too strong on the Jerks today. I still need to work on jumping under the bar a lot more. Rob has some drills for me to work on Friday to help that. Shoulders are pretty toasted.
(175, 175, 165)
WOD: As many rounds in 12 min:
10 Dumbell Snatch Right(40#)
10 Dumbell Snatch Left(40#)
20 Pullups
6 Rounds + 10 Snatch +10 Snatch
WOD: 500m Row
21 Push Press (# 115)
500m Row
18 Push Press
500m Row
15 Push Press
500m Row
12 Push Press
Hard workout. Kept the row a slow steady pace (2:05 for the split) which felt good. Push Press was pretty hard and I had to break up each set. Need to work on getting a nice rhythm going on the PP.
Time: 15:07
WOD: 400m RUN
then 21-15-9 of:
Kettlebell Swings (1.5 pood)
Box Jumps
then Finish with 400m Row
I felt good on this WOD. I tried to pace myself a little and was able to do everything unbroken. I think thats the first time I have done the swings unbroken.
Time: 6:50
WOD: 30 Cals Row
40 Pullups
50 Pushups
60 Situps
70 Squats
I'm pretty sore from the past week workouts so this was a good workout for me because it wasn't a lot of one thing. Before the WOD we worked on "Skin the Cat" on the rings. These are really fun to play around with but I definitely need to practice them.
Time: 8:31
WOD: 21- 15 -9
Dumbell Split Snatch Right Arm (#35)
Dumbell Split Snatch Left Arm (#35)
Fun little workout. We worked the Power Snatch for our strength circuit and my progress in coming along. Split Snatches were new for me and it felt good with the dumbell. Robb let me use his Oly shoes and they helped a surprising amount.
Time: 7:34
WOD: Teams of 5 Girls vs Boys
800m Run (Guys had 20# Wallball)
100 Thrusters
125 Cals
Team workouts are definitely fun to do every once in a while. It is a good way to interact and get to know fellow crossfitters a little better. The workout was pretty easy but today in our strength circuit we worked on Power Cleans and I feel those are coming along. I can't wait for my shoes to come in the mail!
WOD: 4 Rounds of 1 min:
2 Shuttle Runs( there back there back probably 10 yards each way)
Max Pullups in remaining time
This one was a bit spicy. Did the first two rounds without stopping. By the end of the 3 round my arms were torched. Round 4 was broken up 10-5-5-3.
Round 1: 29 Pullups
Round 2: 30 Pullups
Round 3: 26 Pullups
Round 4: 23 Pullups
WOD: 4 min of..
30 DU's
then as many rounds untill 4 min is up of
9 Squats
5 Kettle swings (#55)
Repeat x 1
Sounds really confusing the way I wrote it but it was a fun workout. Everything was pretty much unbroken (except DU) so the intensity was there trying to go fast. Need to get better at DU!
4 rounds + 9 Squats +1 KNE , 4 rounds exactly
20 Cals Rower
20 Box Jumps
20 Pullups (c2b)
20 Deadlift (185#)
20 Ring Dips
Fun little sets of 20 for my 20th birthday. Ring dips at the end were killer.
Time: 4:45
New updates with training. Rob wants me to do the NorCal qualifiers so I need to train so I will be the most prepared I can. I'm going to train 4 days a week at the gym (mon, tues, wed, fri) and then workout outside the gym with some of the trainers running hills and stuff like that.
WOD: 12 Thrusters (35# Dumbells)
400m Run
Do 3 Rounds on the 4 min interval
My legs are still torched from last Friday. This WOD was not too bad. The thrusters were not too bad. The run was getting slow by the end. Jackie is NASTY!!!
1:39, 1:45, 1:46
WOD: Jackie
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (45#)
30 Pullups
I was pretty stoked when I showed up and was told me were doing this WOD. I am not a fan of it all all but it is the first benchmark WOD that I have done to repeated itself . I got a 34 second PR which I feel is good for me. I am not looking forward to Jackie to return anytime soon, that workout sucks.
Time: 8:12
WOD: 5 rounds of:
5 Reps of 115# press bar overhead anyway you like
10 Burpees
Rx'ed weight is 185# but that is insane so I dropped down. The first couple of rounds I did unbroken doing push press. The rest of the rounds I had to break up and started doing some Push Jerks. Burpees are never fun but especially in this workout.
Time: 6:24
WOD: HELEN 3 Rounds for Time
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (55#)
12 Pullups
This was a fun workout and worked well for my strengths. I did good and actually set the in house record for the gym but I felt like I could have gone a lot faster. I wasn't feeling good and I had to use a dumbbell which is harder than an actual Kettlebell. Next time I'm going sub 7:45 for sure.
Time: 8:17