Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday Funday

Strength: work up to max Snatch then 1-1-1 at 85%

then 3 Rounds of Ring Work (1 muscle up, 3 dips, 3 iron crosses, 3 skin the cats)

WOD: 100 DU
50 Pullups
25 Burpees

Today was fun day for sure. Snatches I worked some progressions to get the movement down better and did not go for a max. Its feels better each time I work on it but it still needs a lot of improvement. One of the guys that works out with us is just an O-lifter and he is helping me out a lot and invited me to workout with him Tuesday and Thursday at Chico State to work on O-lifting stuff. The ring work was really fun, I can only do half iron crosses but hopefully someday I will be able to do a full one. WOD was ok but of coarse my DU took forever then I kinda was being a puss with the pullups and broke them up a lot. I was happy with the Burpees tho cause I cranked those out good.

Time: 6:20

Friday, March 27, 2009

"NorCal Crippler"

Strength: Snatch 4 doubles at 70%

WOD: 3o Back Squats #185 (R'xed is 225)
800m Run
100m Broad Jumps

This was definitely a crippler. I broke my back sqauts up in 14-4-3-6-3 with not much rest. Run felt ok once I started going and the broad jumps at the end finished me off. Found that taking slightly smaller jumps but link them together as opposed to going max length on jumps and losing momentum.

Time: 7:28

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Strength today was max clean and jerk but I focused a lot on my form and did not load the bar to my full one rep max. I learned to actually catch the bar with my hands open in the front squat position which I couldn't do before today. My next problem was my feet were too narrow throughout my split jerk. Robb had me start with my feet wider and land in the split position with my wider also. Once I got that down I had no trouble with 175 which is good for me.

WOD: 4 Rounds of:
400m Run
Max Pullups


Monday, March 23, 2009


WOD: 21-15-9:
Ring Dips

Need to start to work more with my ring dips. I had to break the up a lot and it wasted a ot of time.

Time: 7:03

Saturday, March 21, 2009


I have three workouts that I lagged to post up here. this whole spring break got me out of my routine.

WOD from Thursday: "Grace"

Time: 5:30 (PR)

Good benchmark and nice to see how much progress I have made.

WOD from Friday: 30 Muscle-Ups

Time: 4:26

Fun WOD. Next time I do this workout I'm doing full extension on the bottom.

Today's WOD: Run up a fat hill (2.7 miles)

Time: 55 min

First of all I might as well have been running blindfolded in a corn maze because I got lost!!! Prolly ended up running close to 6 miles or more. The good news is next time we go up there I will know the trail by heart.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


WOD: 400m Run
15 Overhead squats (#65)

This was a great workout to practice my goats. Overhead squats give me a lot of trouble and I was glad to just finicsh it even though it was lighter weight than Rx'ed.

Time: 14:4

Monday, March 16, 2009


WOD: 10 Rounds of:
10 Wallballs
10 Pullups

I broke up a few sets. For the wallballs I just need to man up and do them all unbroken and the pullups it was more of a grip issue.

Time: 9:??

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Split Jerk

WOD: Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

These felt good and it was the first time I got to use my new shoes. I don't know what I worked up with but I hit a PR with 185.

5 Rounds of:
5 Push Press/Jerk (#135)
10 Box Jumps (32'')

Pretty heavy for me so I jerked most of them. Most of them were pretty sloppy.

Time: 5:42

Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring Break

WOD: 500m Row
x 3 rest exactly 3 min

Time: ? Holding around 1:45/500M

THEN... 10 Rounds of:
2 Cleans( #135)
2 Muscle Ups

Time: 5:11

Now it is time to drive down to VENTURA!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Snatch/Ring Dips

Bad pic but I wanted to put one up cause I dont do that as often as I used to. This is one one of my favorite meals that I usually have once a day. It is super easy to make. Cook the squash and yellow squash first(1 block of each), then add 1 cup tomato sauce and one 4 oz can of tuna. Add in some almonds and you have a tasty 4 block meal that is tasty and easy to make.

WOD: As Many Rounds in 10 min:
3 High Hang Power Snatch (#95)
3 Weighted Dips (#20)

This was an ass kicker. The weight was good for me because I could do everything unbroken but it was tough.

15 Rounds

Monday, March 9, 2009

New Post

WOD: 5 Rounds of:
Jog 100 m
Sprint 100m
10 Pullups

My blog has not been letting me post the last few times I tried to put something up but it seems to work again now. I am slightly sick so todays WOD was much harder than it should have been, my breathing sucked and my recovery was super slow. I did the pullups unbroken and tried to throw a few butterfly kips in there.

Time: 4:41

Monday, March 2, 2009


Strength: Back Squat 3-3-3

WOD: 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Wallballs
20, 18, 16, 14, 12 Ring Dips
(alternating starting with 50 WB)

Wow this one is not fun. Wall Balls are definitely a goat of mine so those were a little slow. Ring dips are now a new goat of mine, by the last couple of sets I had to pretty much just do singles.

Time: 16:11