Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Catch Up

wolf gang puck level culinary skills

Yesterday: Fight Gone Bad Prep

round 1
sdhp (#75) 1 min
Pullups 1 min
run 200m

rest 2 min

round 2
box jumps 1 min
row for cals 1 min
run 200m

rest 2 min

round 3
push press (#75) 1 min
wallball 1 min
run 200m

This one seemed to be just as hard as the real fight gone bad. Those rounds could be in any order but that just happens to be the way I circuited around, ending on wallballs was not fun. The idea was to count your reps just as in the real FGB.



Press 3x5

amrap in 15 min of:
3 handstand pushups
5 pullups

It seems like Ive been doing a lot of handstand pushups lately (which is good cause it is one of my goats) and it feels like Im getting better. My hands ripped half way through so I did the rest of my KTE on high rings.

12 rounds


  1. Dinner looks yummy!!! Good job on the workouts!!!

  2. You have to put a pic of a yam taco up sometime
